Wednesday, August 27, 2014

YOU: The Center of the Universe

I've had so much to say over the past few days.  Don't worry, I'm not running out.  I'm just tired.  I seem to do my best posting late at night and have been up until 4/4:30 in the morning for the past few days.  Due to my concentration problems linked with the rest of my issues from the past ten months, it takes a while to get my words out.  So, in the interest of getting a little bit of sleep tonight and the fact that it just hasn't been one of my best days both mentally and physically, I give you one of my favorite posts from Facebook.  I offer you a glimpse into my mind from June 6, 2014:

As many of you know, I’ve had plenty of time to myself to think over the past months. As a lot of my friends and family will tell you, even though I am a quiet person, when I open my mouth you might want to listen. Will this be important to you?

I’m not sure when I became an astronomist, but I seem to have had an epiphany of astronomical proportions. I’ll start off small:

Each of us is the center of our universe. If I’m in pain, sad, depressed, excited, happy, you name the emotion, it’s all about me. Depending on the power of the emotion, I can control the distance of anyone or anything orbiting me. Happiness and excitement will typically draw in the orbits of my friends because they want to be happy with me. This will give me more power to maintain the orbits around me and create a feeling of strength, happiness and harmony. Any negative power will drive away the orbit of others. When I start getting depressed or upset about something, worrying what people are saying or thinking about me or complaining about whatever is ailing me, anyone orbiting my world will start to drift away. As they drift off, that’s going to create a lot more pressure on myself until I get sucked into my woes.

Let’s open it up a bit. Our relationships create another type of orbit. As soon as we connect with another person, that reason becomes the center of our orbits. My friends and I orbit that friendship. My husband and I orbit our love for each other. What orbit are you sharing with another person?

That’s going to expand when you start adding acquaintances and people you may not know so well. What orbit are you sharing with someone halfway around the world? Is it your love of music, gaming, reading. Is it your job? Is it as simple as the type of pet you have?

Finally, we get to the center of the universe. All of our galaxies are revolving around something, but what? I’ll give you two possibilities to think about. The first is peace, friendship and happiness. If this is the case, we’ll all be flying around in harmony with no worry of running into anything or hurting anyone else. The second is hatred, discrimination and war. Forget orbiting, you are getting sucked into a black hole. While those on the outskirts may still be orbiting slowly into it, anyone closer to the center is going to be sucked in quickly, ramming into others and dragging the rest with them. 

So what is the center of your universe? Are you maintaining harmony in your life or are you creating your own black hole?

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