Monday, September 15, 2014

Life of the Bubble Boy

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, also referred to as Bubble Boy Disease:

We're all familiar with the concept and most likely very thankful that we don't suffer from it.  Those that have had to deal with it, had to be sequestered away in a completely sterile environment because anything - and I mean anything - could kill them.  From the slightest bug, cold or flu, any disease would be dangerous to these people.

The concept has been explained, romanticized and poked fun at in several movies and television shows.  John Travolta was The Boy in the Plastic Bubble in 1976.  Paul Simon sang about "The Boy in the Bubble" on his Graceland album.  Seinfeld poked fun at it in "The Bubble Boy" episode in 1992.  Jake Gyllenhaal starred in Bubble Boy, a film in 2001.  Bubble boys have been shown on TV as recently as the past couple years in both Grey's Anatomy and the U.S. version of Being Human.

I'll bet if you look around, just a little bit, you can find a Bubble Boy in your own life.  They're all over, just not as sick as you may think.  This has become a very real affliction of a different kind in our world.

Have you ever noticed people wandering around in their own little bubble - wandering aimlessly and cluelessly through life.  They are everywhere!

Your very own Bubble Boy - or Girl, if you prefer (from here on out referred to as "BB") - can be any age, any race, any creed or sex.  Here are some things to look for:

  1. Egocentricism - This person is only concerned about themself.  There is absolutely no concern for anyone else, unless it involves them.
  2. Cluelessness - Most times, the Bubble blocks out even the most important news in the world.  Amazingly, the Bubble only allows items of interest, i.e. about the BB, to permeate its protective layers. They may not be aware of any foreign wars, strange weather patterns or oncoming Armageddons.  Unless/until they are in the middle of it at which point they become the reason it is happening.  
  3. Limelight - Where ever they go, the BB must be the center of attention though often cannot understand when they are not.  This is often because of the Cluelessness (see above) which does not allow outside information to permeate the bubble.
  4. Recognition - similar to Limelight (see above) but on a smaller scale.  They may do odd jobs or small tasks in the name of the Greater Good.  Because of this, they will think they require a response when they essentially say "Look what I did!".  Most times, said task or job will be something that needed to be done anyway or may have been asked several times.
  5. Pity Party - often goes hand in hand with the oft dreaded Temper Tantrum (patent pending).  The Pity Party includes an open invitation to any and everyone within the vicinity of the BB and is often emphasized by cries of "Woe is me!" and "Why hath thou forsaken me?".  Many BBs using the Pity Party have been nominated for such awards as the Emmy (both traditional and Daytime), Tony, Oscar and Grammy (for performances of such songs as "Cry Me a River" and "All By Myself").  Many BBs would by now have become distinguished EGOT winners had it not been for the established rules of the organizations behind these recognized honors - thus resulting in multiple Temper Tantrums (patent pending) worldwide.
  6. Disinterest - In direct contrast to Egocentricism (see above), if a certain activity does not include or is of no concern to the BB, they will show absolutely no interest or concern for said activity.  If it is absolutely imperative that the BB be included, one can dangle a proverbial carrot in front of the surrounding sphere.  This carrot may include running them to a favorite store, eating at a favorite restaurant or buying them a gift of their choosing.  
  7. 100% Investment with No Return - Family, friends and acquaintances of the BB will be expected to invest all of their time and energy into the maintenance of the BB.  Expect absolutely no return from the investment.  There may be a perceived return, though this will only be in the eyes of the BB and of no actual value to you.  Any actual return received will only be minimal and of benefit only to the BB.

I encourage you to take a good look at everyone in your life.  The BB may look harmless and unable to survive on its own, but can be a very hazardous influence to your lifestyle.  Should you encounter one in the wild, don't feed it.  The wild BB will follow you home and become ensconced in your everyday affairs.

This has been a public service announcement from the Greater Public Bureau of Protection from the Oblivious. Please enjoy!
The events depicted in this posting are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental.

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