Saturday, September 13, 2014

Where to go?

I had a couple hours to kill before watching my shows tonight [Dr. Who and Intruders (Oy! The Madison/Marcus character is creepy!)].  I didn't have anything left on DVR, so I decided to check out Netflix to see what to watch with dinner.

While waiting for my leftovers to heat up, I took a look at my list.  While I am trying to binge The Blacklist, I needed a break.  I've been fighting a mean migraine all afternoon, so something light and funny seemed to be the ticket.  The first thing that leaped out was the movie in the featured area - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

My God, it's been years since I've seen that movie.  I remember a couple little bits, mainly because there have been clips featured in documentaries about time travel that I've seen lately.  Seemed like a good choice to me!

I've forgotten how intensely bad/good this movie is.  And it is pure 80's all the way through!  Plus, it was nice to catch the nods to other movies/TV shows that I might not have caught as a kid.  I love it!

It also got me thinking about where I would go, who I would meet and what I would do.

Personally, I would rather have the TARDIS to do my travelling, but Bill and Ted's phone booth would do in a pinch - especially if I didn't have a time limit for its use - even though their mode of transportation only limits them to different times on Earth.  I'll hunt down the Doctor later if I want to go for a gallivant through space and time.

Now, I can only imagine the risks I'd be taking if this could actually happen.  I would unwittingly be taking germs and bacteria to ages when they wouldn't have been known or curable, like the Spanish exploring the New World, and kill a third of the population with a new plague.  I could easily and unknowingly change one small thing that could ripple through the timeline in a devastating Butterfly Effect.  Would anyone now know what would have happened?  Would the people I know now have even been born?

Enough with the worrying!  If there was no risk of changing anything for the future, where would I go and what would I do?

I would definitely want to see a live dinosaur.  I still feel a thrill every time Dr. Grant sees his dinos for the first time in Jurassic Park.  Of course, there will probably be an element of fear being the only human among the giant thunder lizards, but if I got to something with less pointy teeth I'd might be able to prove once and for all if they were cold- or warm-blooded.

I would love to see the pyramids in their full, newly-built grandeur.  I would probably want to take a quick trip back to see them being built, but not too close.  I wouldn't want to be pushed into helping.

A contest at the Colosseum would be really interesting.  OK, bloody and traumatizing for a kid from the future, but interesting none-the-less.  While in the area, I'd probably make a quick trip over and back to Greece.  A chance to sit with the great philosophers of the time would be priceless.

On a more morbid note, I would want to find a safe place near Pompeii to camp down.  I would want to see just what a deadly spectacle destroyed so many lives.

As for people to see and/or meet, there are a few.

To sit and observe Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel would keep me captivated for days.  I could be a pupil of da Vinci or meditate with the Buddha.  I would sit at the trial of Lizzie Borden and see the live (so to speak) evidence of Jack the Ripper.

Were I a more adventurous and athletic man, I would travel with Lewis and Clarke.  I could sail across the Atlantic and witness the light of hope in the eyes of new immigrants as they see the Statue of Liberty for the first time.  I would see the New World through the eyes of the pilgrims and explore deepest Africa with Dr. Livingstone.

Finally, I would chart a course for the landing zone of D.B. Cooper to find out what actually happened.  Who knows?  Maybe I'd be able to go back and find out where the money is!

If I gave it more thought, I could definitely come up with more places to go and things to see.  As it is, I can settle with the chance to travel and see the world's wonders in my own time.

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