Sunday, September 21, 2014

...With 60 More To Come

Well, the anniversary weekend has come to an end. It has been a good one!

After a nice lunch at Red Lobster with Jon on Friday, I got to spend a little time by myself that evening with wings and a horror movie - my favorite combo.

Saturday found us with a yard sale and a day with friends.  The evening continued with dinner at Hanami Japanese Restaurant in College Park - one of our favorites for sushi!  The final touch was with my husband and myself watching TV, eating carrot mini-cakes, with the cat and dog curled around us.

Today was probably the best of the weekend.  We had a much needed day alone.  Did the dishes (me), cleaned the carpets and laundry (him and I folded), took an afternoon nap, watched TV with the four-legged kids and Little Caesars.  He's off to bed for work tomorrow.

Doesn't sound exciting?

You don't always need exciting to have great day.  Sometimes doing chores with the one you love is all you need.  No matter what it is, we have fun just doing whatever together.    I think this is also why we are so good together - we were just meant to be.

I think there was some destiny at play to bring us together.

Jon and I are a perfect pair.  Though we have a few differences, we also share a lot of loves.  We've also encouraged each other to gain an interest in new things through the years.

We both grew up on different sides of the US.  He grew up in Northern California and I in South Central Pennsylvania.  Both of our families believed in giving us a good upbringing and education.

Oh, and we were both adopted.  He was adopted as a baby.  I was fostered into my family as a baby and adopted when I was five.  We both have an older sibling - me a brother and him a sister.  Both siblings have good marriages and wonderful intelligent children.  Between us, we have three nieces and two nephews.

Both sets of our parents are well-educated and long-married.  Both got married on the same day.  And the same year.  Within hours of each other.

Jon took a road trip across the states with his best friend to live on the East Coast and clean up.  I almost took a road trip to California with one of my best friends from high school - we were going to sell everything and move out there.  He did it.  Something held me back.

Yeah, people can share hobbies and interests.  You can love and hate the same things.  But unless you take the time to learn to like new things, I think that would be boring.

I'd rather stick with opposites attracting.  There's more excitement that way.  There's more fun in learning to like (or dislike) something your partner loves.  There's something to be said about being able to support a passion that may not always be up your alley.  Where's the spark if you can't debate opposite sides of a subject?

I don't think these two opposite poles of the magnet would have come together without a little kick from the Fates.  For all of our mutual loves, we love our differences the best!  I thank Destiny for bringing us together

So after nine years together and six of those married...  Here's to another 60 (or more!) years.


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