Thursday, September 25, 2014

Looking for Hope in a One-Way Mirror

Looking for Hope
in a One-Way Mirror
by Mark Rybka-Wachhaus

I've flown the coop and taken freedom,
while mama bird pushes you down.
You flap with determined independence
back to the breaking sticks
of a fallen nest.

Fly baby bird to freedom.

The master points.
The dog slinks to his feet,
tail wagging feebly between
his legs for another
kick in the shank.

No need to lick the boot again.

I've seen the towers tumble.
I've watched the castle fall.
You stand beside me looking longingly
at the glittering city
still standing in your eyes.

The ravens fly over shattered dreams.

I am beside you,
loving beside you,
watching you
look for hope
In a one-way mirror.

If you have enjoyed this poem, you are more than welcome to share it.  I only ask for the proper recognition as its author.

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